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At Muslim Arts College, research is at the heart of our academic mission, driving innovation and fostering a deeper understanding of the world. Our commitment to research excellence is reflected in the diverse and impactful projects undertaken by our faculty, students and collaborators.

Research Mission

Our research initiatives are designed to push the boundaries of knowledge and address pressing global challenges. We strive to:
  • Advance Knowledge: Support pioneering research that pushes the frontiers of knowledge across a wide range of disciplines.
  • Foster Innovation: Encourage creative problem-solving and innovative approaches that contribute to technological, social, and cultural advancements.
  • Promote Collaboration: Facilitate interdisciplinary and cross-institutional partnerships to tackle complex issues and leverage diverse expertise.
  • Engage with Communities: Ensure that our research has a tangible impact on local, national, and global communities by addressing real-world problems and contributing to societal well-being.

Research and Development

Research policy of MAC provides a broad framework of guidelines to undertake scholarly research with the following ideas:
  • To create and encourage a culture of research among the teachers, research scholars and students.
  • To recognize research areas and outline research topics of academic, practical and societal relevance.
  • To organise seminars, conferences and workshops on research topics and training programmes research pedagogy.
  • To encourage, guide and support the teachers, research scholars and students to publish research articles in journals of repute, listed in UGC CARE, Scopus, SCI, Web of Science, Thomson Reuters and Elsevier etc. with high impact factor.
  • To ensure quality, integrity and ethics in research.
  • To publish research material in appropriate media and to make available such published information to the end users.
  • To facilitate the publication of reports submitted by the research scholars.
  • To encourage the teachers, research scholars and students to post their research profile in Research gate, Google scholar, Vidwan etc. to motive the teachers, research scholars and students to participate in research related seminars, conference and workshops.
  • To encourage the research scholars for utilize INFLIBNET e-library resources.

MAC Research Forum

MAC Research Forum is an innovative association of eminent educationist, researcher and industry experts globally to provide an integrated value through quality training, empowerment, research and training relating to academic research, society, industry along with professional courses for Research Scholars/ Academicians through a complete platform on total wellness in adoption of different Arts and science stream. It provides a platform for the experts to share existing research, resources and approaches as well as to create a link between academic research and researchers work on the ground. It gives opportunity for innovative publications, research journals, updates and e-books. Since 2018, more than 100 scholars have been actively engaged in research across our eight departments, driving significant advancements in our college’s academic and scientific pursuits.

Lemuria Research Forum

Muslim Arts College has made significant strides in advancing academic research through the establishment of the Lemuria Research Forum in 2021. This initiative represents a unique and ambitious endeavour to investigate the historical and geographical mysteries surrounding the lost continent of Lemuria. The forum serves as a platform for scholars and researchers to explore and debate the existence of this enigmatic landmass, which has long intrigued historians, geologists and archaeologists. Recognizing the potential of Lemuria to offer new insights into historical and geological studies, Muslim Arts College established the Lemuria Research Forum in 22-09-2021. The forum's primary objective is to explore the historical, geographical and scientific aspects of Lemuria, seeking evidence and conducting research to support or refute its existence.

Muslim Arts College boasts eight specialized research centres that play a vital role in supporting the Lemuria Research Forum. These centres are equipped with advanced facilities and resources, enabling scholars to conduct in-depth studies and analyses related to Lemuria and other areas of research. The establishment of these research centres underscores the college’s commitment to fostering a robust research environment. The forum is designed to facilitate scholarly discussions and research through a structured approach that includes annual conferences, research paper presentations and field investigations. This platform brings together researchers from various disciplines, including geology, archaeology, history and anthropology, to collaborate on uncovering the mysteries of Lemuria.

The availability of these research centres has been particularly beneficial for scholars from rural areas, who may otherwise have limited access to advanced research facilities. The college’s focus on research excellence has provided a valuable platform for these scholars to contribute to the Lemuria Research Forum and pursue their academic interests. By generating interest in research and exploration, the college has inspired young minds to pursue higher education and contribute to the growth of knowledge. Moreover, the forum has attracted national and international attention, positioning the college as a frontrunner in the field of geographical and historical research.

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